Four directions and four sub directions shown in the image:-
(a) North N, East E, South S and West W are four directions.
(b) While South-East (SE), South-West (SW), North West (NW) and North-East (NE) are four cardinal directions
Ex. Alok started walking towards South. He took right turn after walking 15 meters. He again took a left turn after walking 25 meters. Which direction he is facing now ?
(a) South (b) North (c) West (d) East (e) Can not be determined.
Solution :- let us understand by diagram
Clearly he is facing South direction, so option (a) is correct
Ex. Rakesh walked 35 meters towards east and took a right turn and walked 45 meters. He again took right turn and walked 55 meters. Towards which direction is he from his starting point ?
(a) South (b) West (c) South West (d) South East (e) None of these
Solution :- let us look at the diagram
So, the correct option is towards South-West (c)
Ex. A man facing towards East. He turns 45° in anticlock wise direction and then another 180° in the same directionand then 270° in clockwise direction . Which direction is he facing now ?
(a) South-East (b) South (c) South-West (d) North-West (e) None of these
Solution :Let us look the diagram
So , the correct option is Towards SE option (a)
Ex. A boy in search of his pet dog, he went 90 meters in East before turning to his right. He went 20 meters before turning to his right again to look for his dog at his uncle's place 30 meters from this point. His dog was not there, from there he went 100 meters to his north there found his dog. How far did the boy meet his dog from starting point ?
(a) 80 meters (b) 100 meters (c) 140 meters (d) 260 meters (e) None of these
Solution :- Look at the diagram
So, required distance AC can be calculated as :
So, correct option is (b)
Ex. A man walks 1 km towards East and then he turns to South and walks 5 km. Again he turns to East and walks 2 k, after this he turns to North and walks 9 km. Now, how far is he from his starting point ?
(a) 3 km (b) 4 km (c) 5 km (d) 7 km (e) None of these
Solution :- Let's look at the image
So, the correct option is (c)
Ex. The door of Ramesh's house faces the east. From the back side of his house, he walks straight 50 meters, then turns to the right and walks 50 meters again. Finally , he turns towards left and stops after walking 25 meters. Now, Ramesh is in which directon from the starting point ?
(a) South-East (b) North-East (c) South-West (d) North-West (e) None of these
Solution :- let us look at the diagram
So the required direction is North-West, option (d) is correct
Ex. Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :-
(a) Six flats on floor in two rows facing North and South are alloted to P, Q , R, S, T and U.
(b) Q gets a North facing flat and is not next to S.
(c) S and U get diagonally opposite flats
(d) R, next to U, gets a South facing flat and T gets a North facing flat.
(1) Which of the following combinations get south facing flats ?
(a) Q T S (b) U P T (c) U R P (d) Data not sufficient (e) None of these
Solution :- In statement (b) Q gets a North facing flat and is not next to S means
In statement (c) S and U get diagonally opposite flats means
In statement (d) R next to U, gets a South facing flat and T gets a North facing flat means
So, South Facing flats are (c) U R P
(2) Whose flat is between Q and S ?
(a) T (b) U (c) R (d) P (e) None of these
Solution : T, option (a) correct
(3) If the flats of T and P are interchanged, whose flat will be next to that of U ?
(a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) T (e) none of these
Solution : By this interchanged flat next to U remain unchanged, So option (c) is correct , flat R
Ex. The flats of which of the other pairs than SU, is diagonally opposite to each other ?
(a) QP (b) QR (c) PT (d) TS (e) None of these
Solution :- Q P option (a) is correct
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