In this post we are sharing "HOW TO FILL POST PREFERENCE" while filling SSC CGL form.Many of us face problem while filling POST Preference because These Post Preferences will be considered by SSC after you clear SSC CGL exam.So for your convenience Here we are Providing Detailed Post Preference list along with the JOB Profiles Of SSC CGL.
Post preference for Interview jobs:
S No. | Symbol | Posts Names | About post |
1 | J | Inspector of Income Tax [CBDT] | Better promotion options, better chances of hometown posting |
2 | K | Inspector, (Central Excise) [CBEC] | Uniform job, better chances of hometown posting |
3 | L | Inspector (Preventive Officer) [CBEC] | Better promotion options, Posting in coastal areas |
4 | M | Inspector (Examiner) [CBEC] | Best promotion options, Available only in 11 coastal cities. |
5 | N | Assistant Enforcement Officer [Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue] | Good promotions, in limited cities. |
6 | P | Inspector of Posts [Department of Post] | Better promotion chances, Very hectic job, lots of responsibilities |
7 | S | Inspector [Central Bureau of Narcotics] | Tough job, includes good social stature, lots of awards and emoluments |
8 | F | Assistant (Cypher) [Ministry of External Affairs] | Maximum salary of all SSC CGL posts |
9 | E | Assistant (Ministry of External Affairs) | Same as above, 3 years foreign posting |
10 | B | Assistant [Central Vigilance Commission] | Good social stature, corruption free job, good promotion options |
11 | C | Assistant [Intelligence Bureau ] | Good social stature, corruption free job, good promotion options |
12 | D | Assistant [Ministry of Railway] | Posting in Delhi, Railway benefits |
13 | A | Assistant (Central Secretariat Service ) | Hectic job, file work, corruption free, posting in Delhi |
14 | G | Assistant [AFHQ] | Hectic job, file work, corruption free, posting in Delhi |
15 | H | Assistant [Other Ministries/ Departments/Organisations] | Hectic job, file work, corruption free, posting in Delhi |
16 | O | Sub Inspectors [Central Bureau of Investigation ] | Reputed Job, no corruption |
17 | Q | Divisional Accountant [Offices under CAG] | Better promotion, lot of file work to do |
18 | I | Assistant [Other Ministries/ Departments/Organisations] | Hectic work, Limited Posting |
19 | R | Statistical Investigator Gr.II [M/Statistics & Prog Implementation] | For statistical graduate, good job |
Post preference for non-interview jobs:
S No. | Symbol | Posts Names | About post |
20 | T | Auditor [Offices under C&AG] | Optimum workload, moderate promotions |
21 | U | Auditor [Offices under CGDA] | More workload, moderate promotions |
22 | V | Auditor [Offices under CGA & others ] | More workload, moderate promotions |
23 | W | Accountant/ Junior Accountant [Offices under C&AG ] | More workload, moderate promotions |
24 | X | Accountant/ Junior Accountant [Offices under CGA & others] | More workload, moderate promotions |
25 | @ | Tax Assistant [CBEC] | More workload, promotion chances up to Inspector level |
26 | Z | Tax Assistant [CBDT] | Moderate work, promotion chances up to Inspector level, some emoluments |
27 | Y | Offices/Ministries other than CSCS cadres. ] | Lot of work |
28 | # | Sub-Inspector [Central Bureau of Narcotics ] | Challenging job, more promotion chances |
29 | $ | Compiler [Registrar General of India ] | Limited job |
Area of Work:
The 30 positions can be divided into two broad groups-desk jobs and field jobs. Let us discuss each category in detail.
Desk Jobs:
a) Candidates choosing such posts will be appointed as Upper Division Clerks, Assistants, Auditors, Tax-Assistants, etc.
b) SSC does not mandate physical standards like height and weight for these positions.
c) Candidates looking for a steady job routine should go for such posts as working hours are usually fixed [except for Assistant (cypher)].
d) Such posts do not need you to be uniformed or carry weapons.
Field Jobs:
a) Candidates opting for such jobs will be appointed as Inspectors (preventive officers, examiners, excise and income tax), CBI and narcotics officers, etc.
b) SSC demands physical standards for some of these jobs.
c) As they involve travelling, inspections, raids and surveillance, such jobs are well-suited for those who can cope well with arduous responsibilities.
d) There are no fixed working hours for these posts and employee might also have to put in extra hours or work on holidays.
e) Some of these jobs include uniform and weapon training.
Division of posts based on pattern of exam:
As mentioned above, the post of Assistant is the perfect desk job.
· Promotion: If you pass UPSC's departmental exam, you become Section Officer (Group B).
· You will then be promoted to the level of Under Secretary, followed by Deputy Secretary and then Joint Secretary.
We will now discuss about Assistant posts across departments:
1. Assistant in the Central Secretariat Service (CSS):
a) Assistants in CSS are appointed across ministries and are tasked with preparation of notes, reports, and files.
b) They also need to answer RTI applications filed by people and also prepare responses to questions asked in the parliament, etc.
d) You will also be asked for your recommendations on various notes and reports.
e) Promotion: As vacancies are more for such posts, the promotion speed is also high compared to other Assistant-level posts offered by SSC.
f) The main advantage of this post is that the scope of work is vast and varied as you get to work across ministries and departments.
g) On getting selected, you will be posted in New Delhi until your retirement.
2. Assistant in the Ministry of External Affairs (MoEA) - General:
a) As an Assistant in the MoEA, you will only be given administrative work like: typing, making reports and updates of current developments, maintaining files, etc.
b) This post is the most sought after due to the possibility of postings in Indian embassies and consulates overseas. If not, you might be posted in New Delhi.
c) An Assistant in the MoEA is eligible for a very good salary and facilities like accommodation, children's education, etc.
d) S/he is usually alternately posted three years in India and three years abroad throughout his/her tenure.
e) Promotion: Assistant in the MoEA can be promoted to the level of Under Secretary and the chances of getting a promotion are quite high.
f) There are no night shifts assigned to this post.
3. Assistant in Ministry of External Affairs (MoEA) - Cypher:
a) The Assistant in MoEA - Cypher will be responsible for decoding confidential information hidden within files and data sent through the Internet. This information so deciphered could prove useful for Intelligence agencies.
b) Chances of foreign posting are high for an Assistant (Cypher) vis-à-vis Assistant (General).
c) Throughout their tenure, Cypher assistants are posted three years in India and six years abroad.
d) Promotion: The chances of promotion are less vis-à-vis Assistant (General).
e) Due to time-zone differences between India and foreign countries, assistants may have to work night shifts. Of the six working days, two will be night shifts. You will also get two days off.
4. Assistant in Railways:
a) An assistant in Railways has almost the same responsibilities as an Upper Division Clerk.
b) The job offers many perks, including getting discounted railway passes to travel across India, being allotted railway homes at inexpensive rates, etc.
c) Posting for this job is mostly in New Delhi, but you might also be posted in regional headquarters like Allahabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, etc.
5. Assistant in Central Vigilance Commission (CVC):
a) CVC monitors all the vigilance activities carried out by various Central government departments.
b) Assistants in this department have to keep records, update case files, gather information, etc.
6. Assistant in Intelligence Bureau (IB):
a) IB Assistants are appointed mostly for data-oriented computer work. S/he will not be assigned to any investigative work.
b) The posting is mostly in state headquarters of IB or directly in New Delhi.
7. Assistant in the Armed Forces Headquarters (AFHQ):
a) The assistants selected will be posted in the Armed Forces Headquarters in New Delhi.
b) They will be assigned duties of management, distribution and coordination of work between staff members.
c) As an Assistant in the Ministry of Defence, you are also eligible for benefits provided to the Armed Forces personnel.
8. Assistant (Other Ministries/Department/ Organisations) - 4,600 Grade Pay:
a) Assistants for these posts are posted in departments like Department of Personnel & Training, Election Commission, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, etc.
b) Postings will mostly be in New Delhi for such posts.
9. Assistant (Other Ministries/Department/ Organizations) - 4,200 Grade Pay:
The postings are almost the same as above.
10. Divisional Accountant (under CAG):
a) The Divisional Accountant sits in the state's public works department (PWD) and audits expenditures incurred for projects undertaken by state governments.
b) S/he also needs to send reports to the CAG head office on malpractices taking place in PWDs.
c) Once selected as a Divisional Accountant of a state, you cannot get postings in other states. PWD offices might be located in district areas, so you might be posted in such areas rather than in big cities.
d) This post is eligible for a decent salary higher than that of Auditors & Jr. Accountants
11. Auditor - Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG)
12. Auditor - Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA)
13. Auditor - Controller General of Accounts (CGA)
a) An Auditor has to audit the expense report of state departments (CAG), accounts of defence forces (CGDA) and general accounts of India (CGA).
b) As CGDA falls under CAG, the postings are mostly in New Delhi.
c) Candidates are collectively selected for Auditor posts and then distributed in these three departments, with the order of priority being CAG CGDA and then CGA.
d) After all the vacancies of a particular category is completely filled, remaining candidates of the same category are posted in the department with available vacancies.
e) Promotion: An Auditor will be promoted to Senior Auditor in 3 years. After completion of two years, auditors are eligible to appear for the departmental SAS exam for the post of Assistant Audit Officer (AAO).
14. Tax Assistant CBDT (Central Board of Direct Taxation)
15. Tax Assistant CBEC (Central Board of Excise & Customs Taxation):
a) CBDT Tax Assistants are entrusted with the job of assessing, verifying and modifying information pertaining to an individual or business entity's taxes.
b) In case of CBEC, same work is done for goods and services. Tax Assistants also have to take administrative work and support their superiors.
c) The number of Tax Assistant posts are high.
d) Promotion: A person is promoted to the post of an Inspector → Officer. The chances of promotion in CBDT are quite higher as compared to CBEC.
16. Accountant/Junior Accountant (CGA)
17. Accountant/Junior Accountant (CAG):
a) If you get selected as an accountant for ministries or departments, then you will be posted in New Delhi.
b) Number of vacancies in CAG are higher and state postings are available.
18. Upper Division Clerk (Central Govt. Offices/Ministries other than CSCS cadres):
a) An Upper Division Clerk has to check facts, fish out errors and wrong statements, draw attention to rules and laws and previous cases, etc.
b) The posting is mostly in New Delhi. A UDC might get transferred within ministries.
c) Promotion: After promotion, a UDC becomes an Assistant → Section Officer.
Field Work: Posts in details
19. Inspector - Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC):
a) A CBEC Inspector has the responsibility of inspecting tax returns filed by companies in order to validate liability of the claims.
b) Candidates have to go through physical tests to get selected for this post. S/he gets to wear a khaki uniform, which is optional.
c) Promotion: A CBEC Inspector is promoted to a Superintendent → Assistant Commissioner → Deputy Commissioner.
20. Inspector (Examiner):
a. An Inspector (Examiner) has to examine goods and verify the proper levying of taxes on goods moving in and out of a port.
b. Inspectors are mostly posted in coastal regions and very few vacancies are available every year.
c. There is no uniform for this post.
d. Promotion : Inspector Examiner is promoted to the post of Appraiser → Assistant Commissioner → Deputy Commissioner → Joint Commissioner →Addl. Commissioner → Commissioner
21. Inspector (Preventive Officer):
- A Inspector (Preventive Officer) has the duty of gathering information and taking corrective action in order to prevent malpractices.
- Such officers might need to put in extra hours besides working in night shifts in case of certain operations.
- They are mostly posted in cities that have ports and airports.
- Promotion: An Inspector (Preventive Officer) is promoted to the position of Superintendent of Customs → Assistant Commissioner.
- S/he has to compulsorily wear a white uniform.
- This job is quite adventurous as you need to collect information, go for raids, and conduct checks of cargos, boats and containers coming in from foreign ports, among other responsibilities.
Physical requirements:
The physical requirements for the posts of inspector in Central Excise/Examiner/Preventive Officer/Inspector & Sub-Inspector In Central Bureau of Narcotics are as follows
a. The job profile of Inspector (Income Tax) is to authenticate, evaluate and process income tax records of individuals and businesses.
b. They also have to undertake the work related to tax deductible at source (TDS). Sometimes, the inspector may also need to take part in raids.
c. For this post, one does not have to meet physical standards. Also, there is no uniform assigned to this post.
d. Promotion: The Inspector (Income Tax) is promoted to the role of Income Tax Officer (ITO)→ Assistant Commissioner → Deputy Commissioner → Joint Commissioner →Addl. Commissioner → Commissioner. The chances of promotion are good and the salary and benefits are better than other posts.
e. Usually, a person with required qualifications holding this post gets promoted to ITO within 3 years. But as the seniority matters during such promotions, the promotion might take 4-6 years.
- For all of these four Inspector posts, the promotion is based on the zonal seniority. Inspectors also have to pass the departmental examinations for such promotions.
- The chances of promotions for Inspectors in Income Tax & Examiner are quite higher than that of Inspector in Excise.
- For Inspectors in Income Tax & Excise, the postings in the initial years are only in the respective zone. After promotion to Assistant Commissioner Which is a Group 'A' posts, you are eligible to have postings in all over India.
23. Assistant Enforcement Officer (AEO) - [Enforcement Directorate, Department of Revenue]:
a. The duties assigned to this post are quite similar to that of an Inspector and include preventing money laundering, forgery, carrying out searches of homes and office premises, making arrests, etc.
b. Officers will be posted only in the 10 zonal or 11 sub-zonal ED offices.
c. Zonal offices: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai.
d. Sub-zonal offices: Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Guwahati, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Madurai, Nagpur, Patna, Srinagar and Varanasi.
24. Inspector - Central Bureau of Narcotics (CBN):
a. An Inspector has to monitor and keep a check on export/import of banned narcotic substances and ensure that plants like opium poppy are not illegally used, among other duties.
b. S/he has to submit reports to Superintendent of Narcotics or District Opium officer.
c. They are mostly posted in North India and travelling is required for this job.
25. Sub-Inspector - CBN:
a. This job profile is almost similar to that of an Inspector in CBN.
b. S/he may have to frequently travel to state borders to keep a check on illegal drug-trafficking.
26. Sub-Inspector - Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI):
a. Candidates applying for this post have to give an interview and also pass the physical test.
b. Though the person is posted under the Central government, his/her duties are similar to the state police.
c. The Sub Inspector has to investigate anti-corruption cases and other crimes. The job is quite challenging and is suitable for those who can perform under pressure.
27. Sub-Inspector - National Investigation Agency (NIA):
a. The NIA deals with national security-related issues such as terrorism.
b. An NIA Sub-Inspector's duties include travelling, collecting evidences, gathering inputs and information during or after terrorist attacks, etc.
c. This is a typical field job. Initially, selected sub-inspectors are mostly posted in New Delhi.
28. Postal Inspector - Department of Posts (DoP):
a. A Postal Inspector is assigned to around 60-70 post offices within his/her subdivision. S/he needs to work towards expanding the business of these post offices and is assisted by two mail overseers.
b. S/he conducts interviews and appoints Gramin Dak Sevaks.
c. Postal Inspector is eligible for travelling and other allowances.
29. Statistical Investigator Gr. II (M/Statistics & Programme implementation)
a. Candidates with a bachelor's degree in statistics are eligible for this job. This is a non-interview post.
b. The Statistical Investigator's duties include data collection and its conversion into information required by government departments to implement and evaluate schemes.
c. This job includes both desk and field work and a good number of vacancies are annually available.
30. Compiler (Registrar General of India):
a. The compilers are assigned to statistical divisions. They compile information collected through various sources.
b. This is a typical desk job.
So, now you must have a basic idea about these jobs profiles and list of preference of posts. If you are still unsure about these preferences and need help to fill up the form, please comment below. We will provide you all the necessary help.
I have fill the SSC posts in random order. Will this affect me in getting any post.
ReplyDeleteYes. Karan Garg our suggestion to you is fill the form again.
ReplyDeleteLatest form will be accepted.
PrepHelp Team
hai sir can i get a posting as divisional accountant in andhra pradhesh,every body that the andhra pradesh department doesnt comes under ssc .can u clarify me
ReplyDeleteIn Jammu & Kashmir,Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh,the Cadre of Divisional Accountants is administrated by the respective State Government
ReplyDeleteSir maine form me first pr assistant audit wala fil kar diya aur uske liye eligible bhi nhi hu aur sare post theek se fil hai. Kya isse mujhe koi dikkat ho sakti hai
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting your doubt Shiva.
ReplyDeleteThis year SSC has introduced new paper in tier II which is economics.
Eligibility criteria for AAO is graduate in any filled. This means you are eligible for this post.