One Word Substitutions- A 2 Z PrepHelp Educators - 00:38 3 Edit ONE WORD SUBSTITUTIONS-A 2 Z In This post we will learn all the important one word substitutions that can be asked in competitive exams. Sen...
Random One Word Substitutions PrepHelp Educators - 03:08 0 Edit In this Post we will learn some random and daily use One Word Substitutions . We use One word Substitution to express a big meaning in conci...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 26/11/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:40 1 Edit In this Post we will know new words from THE HINDU 26/11/2015 IMPORTANT WORDS OF THE DAY: CONDEMN : Express strong disapproval example- We c...
VOCAB SESSION 1 PrepHelp Educators - 23:15 0 Edit In this Session 1 We will discuss some new words along with there root words and other related words.So let us start the session 1 of our Vo...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 25/11/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 22:01 0 Edit In this post we will learn important vocab words of the day from THE HINDU Newspaper. IMPORTANT WORDS OF THE DAY: APEX : Apex means Topmost ...
First Step For A Better Vocab PrepHelp Educators - 22:37 1 Edit In this Post we will learn how to increase our vocab, how to remember words, when and how to use them. First and the most important point to...
Conditional Sentences PrepHelp Educators - 21:07 1 Edit In this post we will learn about conditional sentences. In any competitive exam like SSC ,Banking etc. A no. of times question on this part ...
Basics Of Trigonometry PrepHelp Educators - 23:08 0 Edit Questions Based on Trigonometry is asked in almost all the competition exams like CAT,SSC,Banking, and many more. In this Post we will discu...
Recommended Books For SSC PrepHelp Educators - 23:16 2 Edit SSC is an Acronym For Staff Selection Commission. Every Year SSC conducts various exams for recruitment in various government sectors of Ind...
Solving Problems on Time and Work PrepHelp Educators - 01:05 1 Edit Problems based on Time and work are asked a number of time in Various Competition exam. So to score good we need to learn this topic in deta...
Solving Problems on Speed, Time and Distance PrepHelp Educators - 23:45 1 Edit Speed, time and distance Based problems are Frequently asked in CAT,CSAT,SSC,Banking and various other competition exams. So it becomes nece...
How To Solve Problems On Factors PrepHelp Educators - 22:33 2 Edit Problems based on factors are a number of times asked in CAT exam and various other management exams. So this is important to learn this top...