Arithmetic Progression Made Easy PrepHelp Educators - 12:04 0 Edit An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers such that the difference of any two successive members is a constant. For example , the ...
Profit and Loss Problems with solutions PrepHelp Educators - 11:49 0 Edit PROFIT AND LOSS PROBLEMS WITH SOLUTIONS: Question 1: An article is purchased for Rs. 450 and sold for Rs. 500. Find the gain percent. Soluti...
Words Of The Day- 16/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:16 0 Edit CULINARY : Relating to cooking or the kitchen. example: Her first meal, which was burned beyond recognition,was a culinary disaster. CONSUMM...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 15/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:41 0 Edit SEDITION : Treason;The incitement of public disorder or rebellion. example: Revolution usually begins when a small band of seditious individ...
Learn Something NEW PrepHelp Educators - 01:44 1 Edit Do You Know The Meaning Of "COOL ONE'S HEELS"? Let us learn something new. When you make someone "Cool his heels", ...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 14/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:59 0 Edit QUIXOTIC : Idealistic;IMPRACTICAL. PROTRACT : To Prolong. example: The trial was so protracted that one of the jurors died of old age. PROVI...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 13/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:09 0 Edit ARCHAIC : Extremely old as seeming to belong to an early period;ANTIQUATED. example: Amendment to archaic law. CALLOW : Young and inexperien...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 12/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:51 1 Edit VICIOUS : Marked by deep ill will;EVIL example: Vicious gossip. SUCCUMB : Give in;Loss to. antonym-SURVIVE. example: The old succumbed to th...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 11/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:59 1 Edit NARCISSIST : Someone in love with themselves;NARCIST. INDELIBLE : Cannot be removed or erased. example: Indelible memories. CONTEMPLATE : Co...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 10/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:04 0 Edit ABATE : Become less in amount or intensity. example: The storm abated. ABET : Encourage or provoke someone,usually in some wrongdoing. examp...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 09/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:07 0 Edit RATIFY : Approve and express assent;SIGN. RECTIFY : Make right or correct;CORRECT;REPAIR;AMEND. STOIC : Seeming unaffected by pleasure or pa...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 08/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:47 1 Edit EUPHORIA : A feeling of great joy and happiness. antonym - DYSPHORIA. ADVENT : Arrival that has been awaited;COMING. example: The advent of ...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 07/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:55 1 Edit VERACITY : The quality of being true;Truthfulness example: The boss question the veracity of his employee's story. RECEDE : Become faint...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 06/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:20 0 Edit APPRISE : Make aware of;Inform somebody. example: The Minister was apprised of the corruption in the department. APPRAISE : Evaluate or Esti...
Basics of Discounts PrepHelp Educators - 01:54 1 Edit WHAT IS DISCOUNT? In the garment stores, you’ve come across this sign many times: “ HURRY! 20% OFF!! ” That 20% is called discount. Suppose...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 05/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:14 0 Edit REPERCUSSION : Indirect consequences of some action. example: His declaration had unforeseen repercussions. EXODUS : A journey by a large gr...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 04/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:57 0 Edit INUNDATE : Fill or cover completely,usually with water syn-DELUGE,SUBMERGE. example: The basement was inundated after the storm. DEBUNK : Ex...
Basics of Profit and Loss PrepHelp Educators - 01:20 1 Edit Basics of Profit and Loss: Questions based on Profit and loss are asked a number of times in exams.In this post we will learn the basics of ...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 03/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:47 1 Edit BATTERED : Exhibiting symptoms resulting from repeated physical and emotional injury. example: Rain battered chennai mounts extensive rescue...
Finding Unit Digit in expression- A with a power B PrepHelp Educators - 02:47 0 Edit In this post we will learn how to solve problems based on exponents i.e A B .In exams generally questions based on finding the last digit in...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 02/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 02:18 0 Edit TORMENT : The act of harassing someone,TORTURE,BADGERING. example: Heavy rain torments coastal T.N. AMID : In middle of something. example: ...
One Word Substitutions- A 2 Z PrepHelp Educators - 00:38 3 Edit ONE WORD SUBSTITUTIONS-A 2 Z In This post we will learn all the important one word substitutions that can be asked in competitive exams. Sen...
Random One Word Substitutions PrepHelp Educators - 03:08 0 Edit In this Post we will learn some random and daily use One Word Substitutions . We use One word Substitution to express a big meaning in conci...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 26/11/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:40 1 Edit In this Post we will know new words from THE HINDU 26/11/2015 IMPORTANT WORDS OF THE DAY: CONDEMN : Express strong disapproval example- We c...
VOCAB SESSION 1 PrepHelp Educators - 23:15 0 Edit In this Session 1 We will discuss some new words along with there root words and other related words.So let us start the session 1 of our Vo...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 25/11/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 22:01 0 Edit In this post we will learn important vocab words of the day from THE HINDU Newspaper. IMPORTANT WORDS OF THE DAY: APEX : Apex means Topmost ...
First Step For A Better Vocab PrepHelp Educators - 22:37 1 Edit In this Post we will learn how to increase our vocab, how to remember words, when and how to use them. First and the most important point to...
Conditional Sentences PrepHelp Educators - 21:07 1 Edit In this post we will learn about conditional sentences. In any competitive exam like SSC ,Banking etc. A no. of times question on this part ...
Basics Of Trigonometry PrepHelp Educators - 23:08 0 Edit Questions Based on Trigonometry is asked in almost all the competition exams like CAT,SSC,Banking, and many more. In this Post we will discu...
Recommended Books For SSC PrepHelp Educators - 23:16 2 Edit SSC is an Acronym For Staff Selection Commission. Every Year SSC conducts various exams for recruitment in various government sectors of Ind...