Arithmetic Progression Made Easy PrepHelp Educators - 12:04 0 Edit An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers such that the difference of any two successive members is a constant. For example , the ...
Profit and Loss Problems with solutions PrepHelp Educators - 11:49 0 Edit PROFIT AND LOSS PROBLEMS WITH SOLUTIONS: Question 1: An article is purchased for Rs. 450 and sold for Rs. 500. Find the gain percent. Soluti...
Words Of The Day- 16/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:16 0 Edit CULINARY : Relating to cooking or the kitchen. example: Her first meal, which was burned beyond recognition,was a culinary disaster. CONSUMM...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 15/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:41 0 Edit SEDITION : Treason;The incitement of public disorder or rebellion. example: Revolution usually begins when a small band of seditious individ...
Learn Something NEW PrepHelp Educators - 01:44 1 Edit Do You Know The Meaning Of "COOL ONE'S HEELS"? Let us learn something new. When you make someone "Cool his heels", ...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 14/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:59 0 Edit QUIXOTIC : Idealistic;IMPRACTICAL. PROTRACT : To Prolong. example: The trial was so protracted that one of the jurors died of old age. PROVI...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 13/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:09 0 Edit ARCHAIC : Extremely old as seeming to belong to an early period;ANTIQUATED. example: Amendment to archaic law. CALLOW : Young and inexperien...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 12/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:51 1 Edit VICIOUS : Marked by deep ill will;EVIL example: Vicious gossip. SUCCUMB : Give in;Loss to. antonym-SURVIVE. example: The old succumbed to th...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 11/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:59 1 Edit NARCISSIST : Someone in love with themselves;NARCIST. INDELIBLE : Cannot be removed or erased. example: Indelible memories. CONTEMPLATE : Co...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 10/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:04 0 Edit ABATE : Become less in amount or intensity. example: The storm abated. ABET : Encourage or provoke someone,usually in some wrongdoing. examp...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 09/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:07 0 Edit RATIFY : Approve and express assent;SIGN. RECTIFY : Make right or correct;CORRECT;REPAIR;AMEND. STOIC : Seeming unaffected by pleasure or pa...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 08/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:47 1 Edit EUPHORIA : A feeling of great joy and happiness. antonym - DYSPHORIA. ADVENT : Arrival that has been awaited;COMING. example: The advent of ...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 07/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:55 1 Edit VERACITY : The quality of being true;Truthfulness example: The boss question the veracity of his employee's story. RECEDE : Become faint...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 06/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:20 0 Edit APPRISE : Make aware of;Inform somebody. example: The Minister was apprised of the corruption in the department. APPRAISE : Evaluate or Esti...
Basics of Discounts PrepHelp Educators - 01:54 1 Edit WHAT IS DISCOUNT? In the garment stores, you’ve come across this sign many times: “ HURRY! 20% OFF!! ” That 20% is called discount. Suppose...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 05/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 01:14 0 Edit REPERCUSSION : Indirect consequences of some action. example: His declaration had unforeseen repercussions. EXODUS : A journey by a large gr...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 04/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:57 0 Edit INUNDATE : Fill or cover completely,usually with water syn-DELUGE,SUBMERGE. example: The basement was inundated after the storm. DEBUNK : Ex...
Basics of Profit and Loss PrepHelp Educators - 01:20 1 Edit Basics of Profit and Loss: Questions based on Profit and loss are asked a number of times in exams.In this post we will learn the basics of ...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 03/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 00:47 1 Edit BATTERED : Exhibiting symptoms resulting from repeated physical and emotional injury. example: Rain battered chennai mounts extensive rescue...
Finding Unit Digit in expression- A with a power B PrepHelp Educators - 02:47 0 Edit In this post we will learn how to solve problems based on exponents i.e A B .In exams generally questions based on finding the last digit in...
Words Of The Day (THE HINDU)- 02/12/2015 PrepHelp Educators - 02:18 0 Edit TORMENT : The act of harassing someone,TORTURE,BADGERING. example: Heavy rain torments coastal T.N. AMID : In middle of something. example: ...